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kurtster Avatar

Location: where fear is not a virtue
Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 30, 2023 - 12:46pm

 NoEnzLefttoSplit wrote: 
Don't know how old you are, but the pic below was everywhere, especially on the inside and outside ad banners on public busses when I was in grade school in the 50's.

And below it is the follow up.  I've already seen the ending to this movie come true as it is happening right now.  I've watched the progress my whole life. 

Looking at the man's face even now still sends chills up me.

Top down, bottom up.  Yep ...



NoEnzLefttoSplit Avatar

Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 30, 2023 - 11:51am

 kurtster wrote:

It is not the media as much as it is the .gov itself which is what I have been speaking about the entire time.

Here's one for openers, I'll find some more.

Mayorkas says ‘the border is closed,’ defends Biden’s immigration strategy
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas defended President Biden’s immigration strategy and emphasized in multiple interviews Sunday that the southern border of the United States “is closed,” 

...Mayorkas said the administration’s “message has been straightforward and simple,” and Biden himself last week disputed that the surge was a result of his overturning some of former president Donald Trump’s policies.

And some actual administration quotes.  How much more do you need ?

Kurtster, this one is for you.


kurtster Avatar

Location: where fear is not a virtue
Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 29, 2023 - 5:22am

 Steely_D wrote:
 kurtster wrote:
Can you post a couple of examples of mainstream media asserting that the borders are closed and secure?
If it’s been seen in multiple places, like you said, it shouldn’t be tough.
It is not the media as much as it is the .gov itself which is what I have been speaking about the entire time.

Here's one for openers, I'll find some more.

Mayorkas says ‘the border is closed,’ defends Biden’s immigration strategy
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas defended President Biden’s immigration strategy and emphasized in multiple interviews Sunday that the southern border of the United States “is closed,” 

...Mayorkas said the administration’s “message has been straightforward and simple,” and Biden himself last week disputed that the surge was a result of his overturning some of former president Donald Trump’s policies.

And some actual administration quotes.  How much more do you need ?


Steely_D Avatar

Location: Biscayne Bay
Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 29, 2023 - 1:42am

 kurtster wrote:

Can you post a couple of examples of mainstream media asserting that the borders are closed and secure?
If it’s been seen in multiple places, like you said, it shouldn’t be tough.

kurtster Avatar

Location: where fear is not a virtue
Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 28, 2023 - 11:10pm

 Steely_D wrote:
 kurtster wrote:

You can play your games.  You trust the .gov and I don't.  It has been lying all of my life since I first became aware at the age of 13 (1965) when I first got stoned and found out that marijuana does not make me want to rape or kill.  Then all the lies associated with Viet Nam.  And it just goes downhill from there.  Once the "New World Order" was a famous conspiracy theory, now it is fact.  How about UFO's, now called UAP's ? To ignore the plausible is a fatal mistake. When it comes to the actions of government, while the plausible may not always be real, lately it is becoming more real than not.  You cannot be afraid to consider alternatives to the "official" story.
Today my Better Half™ got a very nice pedicure from a woman who’d set up a very nice spa in her home on the East Coast - of Australia. And after BH™ made an innocuous comment about the warmth and humidity, and I guess it’s all that climate change, the woman began to tell her there was no such thing.
They are preventing rain in areas so as to create dry cheap land so they can buy it later. They could make it rain if they wanted to.
The origin of man in the Bible mentions a snake. Well, really, there are lizard aliens that are ruling us. And (I am not shitting you) Elvis and Marilyn and Michael Jackson are all really alive and Biden is dead. (Notice how everything usually goes back to pedophilia - but they’re positive on MJ)
The lizard aliens are part of “Anon” which is the non-military ruling body and they communicate with the military aspect, called “Q.” And, you guessed it, Trump is the man chosen to help bring the final conflict to occur. There are giant tunnels throughout the USA where children have been kidnapped and are being smuggled so they can be killed to collect adenochrome, so Hilary and Obama and Soros can live forever. Ukraine is a nation of pedophiles, so we need to support Russia.
There was more from this older Australian woman, but you get my drift. Certainly every government lies. At the DC African American museum I watched a grown black man more or less berate his disaffected teen son into reading about how the govt didn’t treat black men with syphilis - but said they did - to see what happened. When he turned around, he had a Tuskegee sweatshirt on. I swear I teared up at that. I would never contend that you should believe everything the government tells you. But it’s gone too far. Check what’s out there: 1) don’t listen to scientists about the pandemic 2) don’t trust your voting system 3) caravans of Others are coming for your jobs, land, belongings 4) take horse dewormer to get better from a virus 5) bring back lead paint because it stops the government from spying on you…
These are obvious plants by foreign adversaries designed to physically and socially hurt the USA. They are lies, insinuated into the media and now echo-chambered by folks who are smart - but don’t understand the ludicrous nature of what they’re parroting - they just want to feel like they know more, have a leg up. So they vehemently believe - even though it makes absolutely no sense - crap about lizard rulers and pizza parlor basements and adenochrome and how we shouldn’t listen to ANYONE who used to be considered “educated.” 
And our foes sit back and laugh at our infighting and stupidity. We are now sitting ducks.
Pardon the slow response. Been really busy.

I'm not talking about Q or Jones or things like that. They are not even on my radar, unlike yours apparently.  I will say that I thought about Tuskegee when I wrote my post but I wanted to stick to things that I have actually experienced in my lifetime.  I am talking about the obvious lies straight from the .gov that are so blatant that even someone as simple as me can figure them out without any help.

Another case in point. The biggest running lie to date.  The .gov in lockstep across multiple sources and outlets has been saying since Biden took office that our borders are closed and secure.  I know that I am one of the few here, based upon the many comments posted, that disagrees with the .gov's stated position yet I have been and still do call this an outright lie.

thisbody Avatar

Location: allesoverheersende
Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 23, 2023 - 7:15am

While I don't understand all this craziness of Q-Anon and their likes, I thought this thread was about JFK's demise and the circumstances that led to it. As for governments lying to their people, I think all governments do so, regardless of who and where, some lie more than others.

As a foreigner who hasn't read a single one of the 21 books out there on the topic mentioned by kcar, I keep wondering  - what do you guys think about this issue? - Is there a doubt, or maybe good evidence, that he was killed by the CIA, or not so? I'd really be interested to learn what you guys think about that.

Sorry for my stubbornness. âœŒï¸

rgio Avatar

Location: West Jersey
Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 23, 2023 - 5:12am

 Steely_D wrote:
... how we shouldn’t listen to ANYONE who used to be considered “educated.” 
And our foes sit back and laugh at our infighting and stupidity. We are now sitting ducks.


Their solution to all of the government lying is a pathological narcissistic autocrat, whose documented crimes they see as government retribution instead of justice.

Steely_D Avatar

Location: Biscayne Bay
Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 23, 2023 - 3:58am

 kurtster wrote:

You can play your games.  You trust the .gov and I don't.  It has been lying all of my life since I first became aware at the age of 13 (1965) when I first got stoned and found out that marijuana does not make me want to rape or kill.  Then all the lies associated with Viet Nam.  And it just goes downhill from there.  Once the "New World Order" was a famous conspiracy theory, now it is fact.  How about UFO's, now called UAP's ?

To ignore the plausible is a fatal mistake. When it comes to the actions of government, while the plausible may not always be real, lately it is becoming more real than not.  You cannot be afraid to consider alternatives to the "official" story.

Today my Better Half™ got a very nice pedicure from a woman who’d set up a very nice spa in her home on the East Coast - of Australia. And after BH™ made an innocuous comment about the warmth and humidity, and I guess it’s all that climate change, the woman began to tell her there was no such thing.
They are preventing rain in areas so as to create dry cheap land so they can buy it later. They could make it rain if they wanted to.
The origin of man in the Bible mentions a snake. Well, really, there are lizard aliens that are ruling us. And (I am not shitting you) Elvis and Marilyn and Michael Jackson are all really alive and Biden is dead. (Notice how everything usually goes back to pedophilia - but they’re positive on MJ)
The lizard aliens are part of “Anon” which is the non-military ruling body and they communicate with the military aspect, called “Q.” And, you guessed it, Trump is the man chosen to help bring the final conflict to occur. There are giant tunnels throughout the USA where children have been kidnapped and are being smuggled so they can be killed to collect adenochrome, so Hilary and Obama and Soros can live forever. Ukraine is a nation of pedophiles, so we need to support Russia.
There was more from this older Australian woman, but you get my drift.

Certainly every government lies. At the DC African American museum I watched a grown black man more or less berate his disaffected teen son into reading about how the govt didn’t treat black men with syphilis - but said they did - to see what happened. When he turned around, he had a Tuskegee sweatshirt on. I swear I teared up at that. I would never contend that you should believe everything the government tells you. But it’s gone too far.

Check what’s out there: 1) don’t listen to scientists about the pandemic 2) don’t trust your voting system 3) caravans of Others are coming for your jobs, land, belongings 4) take horse dewormer to get better from a virus 5) bring back lead paint because it stops the government from spying on you…
These are obvious plants by foreign adversaries designed to physically and socially hurt the USA. They are lies, insinuated into the media and now echo-chambered by folks who are smart - but don’t understand the ludicrous nature of what they’re parroting - they just want to feel like they know more, have a leg up. So they vehemently believe - even though it makes absolutely no sense - crap about lizard rulers and pizza parlor basements and adenochrome and how we shouldn’t listen to ANYONE who used to be considered “educated.” 
And our foes sit back and laugh at our infighting and stupidity. We are now sitting ducks.


kurtster Avatar

Location: where fear is not a virtue
Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 22, 2023 - 6:49pm

 Steely_D wrote:
 kurtster wrote:
This is an example of apophenia. 
Here’s more about that. It’s using Qanon as its takeoff point, but the same applies to all this other “isn’t it strange that…” stuff.
You can play your games.  You trust the .gov and I don't.  It has been lying all of my life since I first became aware at the age of 13 (1965) when I first got stoned and found out that marijuana does not make me want to rape or kill.  Then all the lies associated with Viet Nam.  And it just goes downhill from there.  Once the "New World Order" was a famous conspiracy theory, now it is fact.  How about UFO's, now called UAP's ?

To ignore the plausible is a fatal mistake. When it comes to the actions of government, while the plausible may not always be real, lately it is becoming more real than not.  You cannot be afraid to consider alternatives to the "official" story.

kcar Avatar

Posted: Nov 22, 2023 - 6:39pm

 thisbody wrote:
Fox News today, on the 60 yr. anniversary of the JFK assassination titling, RFK Jr. doubles down on allegation CIA involved in JFK's assassination: '60-year cover-up'

While ridiculing RFK Jr. and many of his other views (except the one on Covid), they downplay all the evidence that the CIA was the sole architect and perpetrator of the assassination and keep deflecting from the evidence. - WTF?

Right because there haven't been that many theories and books about JFK's assassination oh wait...


thisbody Avatar

Location: allesoverheersende
Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 22, 2023 - 1:18pm

Fox News today, on the 60 yr. anniversary of the JFK assassination titling, RFK Jr. doubles down on allegation CIA involved in JFK's assassination: '60-year cover-up'

While ridiculing RFK Jr. and many of his other views (except the one on Covid), they downplay all the evidence that the CIA was the sole architect and perpetrator of the assassination and keep deflecting from the evidence. - WTF?

thisbody Avatar

Location: allesoverheersende
Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 22, 2023 - 12:04am

JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass
2021 • Rated TV14 • 118 minutes

Thirty years after acclaimed director Oliver Stone’s first examination of JFK’s assassination, Stone reassesses the horrific event that shaped a generation. Using newly declassified and reexamined footage, Stone presents a case that conspiracy theories about the president’s death are actually “conspiracy facts.”
Narrated by Whoopi Goldberg and Donald Sutherland.

Streaming Now...

Steely_D Avatar

Location: Biscayne Bay
Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 21, 2023 - 2:28pm

 kurtster wrote:

This is an example of apophenia. 
Here’s more about that. It’s using Qanon as its takeoff point, but the same applies to all this other “isn’t it strange that…” stuff.

kurtster Avatar

Location: where fear is not a virtue
Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 21, 2023 - 1:14pm

 laozilover wrote:
Interesting post:


Ladies & gentlemen:

Does there actually exist a shadow government that controls all things in America, like the Wizard of Oz behind that flowing presidential curtain? Many Americans today believe there is, and there is strong circumstantial evidence in support of it.

A number of Americans believe the United States Government was hijacked back in the 30's, when FDR set the trend for American socialism with his "New Deal" prescriptions for overcoming the Great Depression, and I cannot argue with them entirely. Those enactments like Social Security, the Emergency Powers Act and the establishment of our social welfare programs certainly did violate basic constitutional government restrictions. But in my mind, there was a following event of far more monumental proportions that occurred: It was the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. I believe that was the moment the others finally took complete control over this nation...

Bump for ...  the Deep State ?

thisbody Avatar

Location: allesoverheersende
Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 21, 2023 - 11:53am

What really happened to JFK? Was it one shooter? Did Lee Harvey Oswald really pull the trigger? So many questions left unanswered in one of America's most tragic moments. Let's look deeper into one theory that suggests the CIA was actually the one behind JFK's assassination, and there is some compelling evidence to prove it. Check out today's extra deep dive into one of the wildest conspiracy theories out there, but could it actually be true?


samiyam Avatar

Location: Moving North

Posted: Nov 22, 2009 - 2:52pm

 laozilover wrote:
Farewell America

For some reason I read that as "Falwell's America".


laozilover Avatar

Location: K Town (Kenosha, Wisconsin)
Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 22, 2009 - 12:42pm

Farewell America

triskele Avatar

Location: The Dragons' Roost

Posted: Nov 22, 2009 - 9:08am


samiyam Avatar

Location: Moving North

Posted: Nov 22, 2009 - 7:07am

 The_End wrote:

That's your rationale for sodomizing jelly donuts, aint it.



laozilover Avatar

Location: K Town (Kenosha, Wisconsin)
Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 22, 2009 - 7:06am

 The_End wrote:

That's your rationale for sodomizing jelly donuts, aint it.

Remember that one time at band camp...?

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