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King Crimson — The Power To Believe II
Album: The Power To Believe
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Total ratings: 395

Released: 2003
Length: 7:41
Plays (last 30 days): 1
She carries me through days of apathy
She washes over me
She saved my life in a manner of speaking
When she gave me back the power to believe
Comments (78)add comment
belongs in Serenity more than it does in "Rock" IMO ... but would that crowd be able to handle it?

Remins me of Pierre Moerlen's Gong at once. Very nice psychedelic!
One of my two most favorite bands to see live in concert. I was lucky enough to have seen them 21 times, including the last concert in the USA that they will ever play. It was in DC on 9/11/21. Father's Day 1995 in Denver, after the show, Bill Bruford walked up to me and handed me both of the drumsticks he had been using! I have seen Adrian in concert around 40 times, including the BEAT Tour. 
I'm realizing how much I overlooked this album, need to go back for a deeper dive. A fantastic track (very "typical" KC).
GREAT TUNE!  ...spooky album cover!
 (former member) wrote:
Crimson has so many incarnations that it's easy to pick up a mediocre record unless you're careful. The places to start: In The Court of the Crimson King - old school mystic prog that set a standard Red - Fripp, Bruford, Wetton in a formation that could "shred wallpaper at a hundred paces" according to Fripp Discipline - Fripp, Belew, Bruford, Levin, with a renewed vision and concentrated, unadulterated musicianship THRAK - Fripp, Belew, Bruford, Levin, Mastolletto, and Gunn in the "double trio" formation. A complex, formidable, and confrontational album that rewards thoughtful listening and, if you want a real honest-to-goodness treat:
The Great Deceiver - complete, unedited performances of the band at their mid-70s prog rock best. A self indulgent purchase, but MAN. The cheapskate version of that would be
The Night Watch - still a bang-up live set
Oh my, how could you leave out Lark's Tongue In Aspic and Starless and Bible Black, also for a live set USA?

All must-haves if you're a Crimson fan.
New to me. Love it, fresh, not run-of-the mill. This is why I listen to this station (even if I have to pay the price of listening to the likes of Kate Bush) (Gee, who thought there'd be TWO Bushes to dislike in the world?) Thanks for the KC, RP!
It's amazing while listening through the headphones. Amazingly spatial - cosmic.
Never heard this KC before...it's intriguing, but a bit noisy. 5.
whoah! makes me wanna phire up a phatty!
thatch wrote:
I can't believe I've never heard this before. Great stuff. But why the low average rating?
mojoman and old_pool_skunk probably gave it a one
Finest Frippage.
jagdriver wrote:
really cool, Bill. You might try segueing this with Mark Isham's Tibet, Pt. IV.
Bump for Bill...this is a GREAT suggestion, jag! Love this song and Mark Isham as well....
This is a very cool song. From the opening, I thought I was listening to Autechre or Aphex Twin. Ahead of their time, this lot.
colt4x5 wrote:
you mean like john cage? henryk gorecki? philip glass? brian eno? kronos quartet? tom waits? sonic youth? how close am i getting to acceptable? you know, when stravinsky debuted the rite of spring, the audience yelled, booed, and largely left. now it's considered one of the seminal classical works of the early 20th century. of all time, for that matter. what happened? did stravinsky change it to be more palatable, less threatening? no. people just grew into it. i'll shut up now. until my next rant. 10 ... 9 ... 8 ...
Whoa...that's some heavy stuff! Point taken!
thatch wrote:
I can't believe I've never heard this before. Great stuff. But why the low average rating?
IMHO, any time that something as unconventional and intriguing as this is played, it will not be acceptable to everyone.Personally, it does not concern me what anyone thinks of the Crims, I will always listen to them By the way, if you have never seen King Crimson live, you owe to yourself. Excuse the cliche, but I mean that sincerely!
I can't believe I've never heard this before. Great stuff. But why the low average rating?
really cool, Bill. You might try segueing this with Mark Isham's Tibet, Pt. IV.
Too much experiment in experiment but I like it.
RP can u play Adrian Bellew's, The Lone Rhinoceros off of Lone Rhino. tnks joe
Danny_G wrote:
I agree :grouphug:
Like floating in the space at the second part. Great. And touch guitar of Trey Gunn...
nice first thing in the morning...
Sounds like a very large bull wandering around a shop that sells wind charms. Thats not to say I dont like it though, sounds quite cool.
Marqdyeth wrote:
Would love to hear more King Crimson - especially some of the older works like In the Court of the Crimson King. Or even the Adrian Belew years like Discipline. But still, I say "yay" for any King Crimson!!!
Adrian Bellew plays and sings in this album..just awsome.
joempie wrote:
HELP !"窢祍 I came here for some !music! You know, sounds with melody, rythm, that sort of stuff... Please, pretty plese, stop this...
This is just a suggestion try Phil Collins or the Easy sounds station, that may bring you "happiness"
The album "The Power To Believe" is my favorite KC album, ever, and my favorite album of the past couple years. This particular song is the least noisy out of the main songs on the album. This is album which demands to be listened to straight through, and loudly. Make no mistake, this album will EAT YOUR FACE.
Would love to hear more King Crimson - especially some of the older works like In the Court of the Crimson King. Or even the Adrian Belew years like Discipline. But still, I say "yay" for any King Crimson!!!
ploafmaster wrote:
Hey you kids? I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt that you're NOT talking about the musicians in this band... I don't know who's presently in KC, but I know the band itself has been around long enough to call a fair share of RP listeners "kids."
Amen, Bro... King Crimson has been around since I was a kid (and that's been a while)
Love the sound and feeling of this one... touches on all the moods I love about the King
Old_Pool_Skunk wrote:
Hey you kids! Get away from the instruments!
Hey you kids? I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt that you're NOT talking about the musicians in this band... I don't know who's presently in KC, but I know the band itself has been around long enough to call a fair share of RP listeners "kids."
I know I'm hearing something good, but in the end it's as if someone gave me the ingredients for a cake, instead of the cake itself. Not as instantly gratifying.
Hey you kids! Get away from the instruments!
colt4x5 wrote:
you mean like john cage? henryk gorecki? philip glass? brian eno? kronos quartet? tom waits? sonic youth? how close am i getting to acceptable? you know, when stravinsky debuted the rite of spring, the audience yelled, booed, and largely left. now it's considered one of the seminal classical works of the early 20th century. of all time, for that matter. what happened? did stravinsky change it to be more palatable, less threatening? no. people just grew into it. i'll shut up now. until my next rant. 10 ... 9 ... 8 ...
As Yogi Berra said about Wagner, "It's a lot better than it sounds."
This Is MUSIC!!!
Well, now we know what happened to part I, it was eaten by THOSE things. Believe THAT!!!
camden_hampden wrote:
Mastelotto is a brilliant percusionist, too -- easily makes up for no Bruford on this album.
Sorry, NOTHING and NO ONE can make up for a missing Bruford!
This is a killer album. Hearing this song out of context is a bit discomforting, but it's great to have here!
aslegros wrote:
Finally!!!! A Crimson song on RP! And one I haven't heard!!! Thank you!
I agree :grouphug:
joempie wrote:
I came here for some !music! You know, sounds with melody, rythm, that sort of stuff...
you mean like john cage? henryk gorecki? philip glass? brian eno? kronos quartet? tom waits? sonic youth? how close am i getting to acceptable? you know, when stravinsky debuted the rite of spring, the audience yelled, booed, and largely left. now it's considered one of the seminal classical works of the early 20th century. of all time, for that matter. what happened? did stravinsky change it to be more palatable, less threatening? no. people just grew into it. i'll shut up now. until my next rant. 10 ... 9 ... 8 ...
Geez, I was looking for my Deep Woods Off there for awhile...
I suppose you don't care for Impressionist paintings, either? joempie wrote:
HELP !"ç*"ç% I came here for some !music! You know, sounds with melody, rythm, that sort of stuff... Please, pretty plese, stop this...
HELP !"ç*"ç% I came here for some !music! You know, sounds with melody, rythm, that sort of stuff... :fight.gif: Please, pretty plese, stop this...
TheLoneIguana wrote:
Pretty cool. Although at one point, I swear I heard "In the year two-thousaaaaand..." :-s
And I was looking for my bug spray.
Pyro wrote:
I've never heard this one, either! How fabulous! Thanks RP. Fripp and Eno are incredible in any collaboration!
It is *so* nice to hear this group again.
i am liking this very much! it kind of has a Space/Drums feel about it.
Mastelotto is a brilliant percusionist, too -- easily makes up for no Bruford on this album.
Unfortunately, no Levin on this album -- just Trey Gunn on Warr guitar, but he's talented as hell, so it works out just fine. Pyro wrote:
Is that Tony Levin on bass?
It's about time I heard King Crimson on RP! If they show up touring in your city see them. They play small venues and when I saw them a couple of years ago they had the best sound I've ever heard at a concert. Super edgy, loud when needed (for strategic THRAK attacks!), but not to the point of feeling the volume of the music in your arm hairs. Unbelievable musicianship.
Is that Tony Levin on bass?
I just love the Gamelan bonging away in the background. Those musicians from Java and Bali have a lot to answer for....
Pretty cool. Although at one point, I swear I heard "In the year two-thousaaaaand..." :-s
Pyro wrote:
I've never heard this one, either! How fabulous! Thanks RP. Fripp and Eno are incredible in any collaboration!
Unfortunately it has been years since they have collaborated...This is a relatively new release with Adrian Bellew Great album but somehow cold
Pyro wrote:
In my humble opinion is MY take on it...Might be in my HONEST opinion...
Thanks, Pyro!
excellent choice, Bill....haven't heard this in WAY too long
BHTMMan wrote:
Can someone please tell me what imho is an abbreviation for? Sorry, but I am relatively new to this comment forum. Thanks
In my humble opinion is MY take on it...Might be in my HONEST opinion...
I've never heard this one, either! How fabulous! Thanks RP. Fripp and Eno are incredible in any collaboration!
DanTm wrote:
this album is definatly worth listening to, altough some of the vocal tracks are imho less interesting, other songs like dangerous curves really rock... King Crimson is the King! :)
Can someone please tell me what imho is an abbreviation for? Sorry, but I am relatively new to this comment forum. Thanks
Should be listening to this at home, not on crappy speakers at my desk.....
Fantastic how the instrumental/vocal parts seem to drift in every possible direction, while they manage to make it sound so tight at the same time! Especially the bass keeps it all together.
These guys are kind of Gods. Musician's Musicians.
Finally!!!! A Crimson song on RP! And one I haven't heard!!! Thank you!
Always love the Frippian guitar work... ;)
this album is definatly worth listening to, altough some of the vocal tracks are imho less interesting, other songs like dangerous curves really rock... King Crimson is the King! :)
This is excelent! I haven't heard any of the new Crimson since THRaKaTTaK.
Reminds me a lot of early Porcupine Tree.
:meditate.gif: Fripp et al continue to reinvent themselves in fresh and a cutting edge manner, the most underrated musical ensemble on the planet, they are my #1 pick for a group to go see live that i haven't yet.....
iggy33 wrote:
A "2" on King Crimson !!!! What is it, it's too confusing for you..??
There are parts of this, near the beginning I didn't like.. as the tune goes on, it seems to get better.. and falls into a comfortable sound rhelm.. pretty cool actually..
A "2" on King Crimson !!!! What is it, it's too confusing for you..??
I remember the first time I heard King Crimson....I just wont tell you the year :) Glad I found RP!
I love this CD. I've been a Crim fan for years (way too many ... ! ) but this is one of my favorite albums. Far more musical and listenable than Heavy ConstruKction and the like, with the dense double-trio format. It went rounds in my car CD player every day for a month - only a few other disks have ever done that.
Me like. Thanks to whoever uploaded this. This is very listenable compared to a lot of recent Crim stuff. I think I'll have to give it another chance.
Ah, a great Crimson album. I just love the way this song builds up... Jason