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Cake — Frank Sinatra
Album: Fashion Nugget
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Total ratings: 1935

Released: 1996
Length: 3:52
Plays (last 30 days): 0
We know of an ancient radiation
That haunts dismembered constellations
A faintly glimmering radio station

While Frank Sinatra sings "Stormy Weather"
The flies and spiders get along together
Cobwebs fall on an old skipping record

Beyond the suns that guard this roost
Beyond your flowers of flaming truth
Beyond your latest ad campaigns

An old man sits, collecting stamps
In a room all filled with Chinese lamps
He saves what others throw away
He says that he'll be rich someday

We know of an ancient radiation
That haunts dismembered constellations
A faintly glimmering radio station

We know of an ancient radiation
That haunts dismembered constellations
A faintly glimmering radio station

While Frank Sinatra sings "Stormy Weather"
The flies and spiders get along together
Cobwebs fall on an old skipping record
Comments (206)add comment
 smartn1 wrote:

Let them eat cake!

Just had my dessert
 Broken_Ear wrote:

Well the feeling that you "always hear the same songs" on RP is getting stronger for me, sadly. I am switching channels more often now since a few years back. And I don't trust the "played x-times in the last 30 days" one bit. This was on a few days back.

I love Bill's response - mathematical evidence always trumps made-up suppositions.  Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Broken_Ear.  (I'd be very curious to hear what station you're switching to that is better than RP.)

Oh, and I like the portion of CAKE that Bill and Rebecca allot on their musical diet.  
Maybe the Best "worst" group ever. Love that Comfort Eagle tune.
Let them eat cake!
I like how the singer is deliberately just a fraction of a second behind the beat
Fashion Nugget was my introduction to Cake back in the mid 90s and it absolutely blew me away.  Been a fan ever since.  Unfortunately I don't think any of their later work reaches quite the same pinnacle.
The way to best appreciate Cake is understand they intentionally sound like a parody, if that makes sense  
I luvs me some CAKE
Cake good.  Me like cake.
 Broken_Ear wrote:
Well the feeling that you "always hear the same songs" on RP is getting stronger for me, sadly. I am switching channels more often now since a few years back. And I don't trust the "played x-times in the last 30 days" one bit. This was on a few days back.
I find RP offers songs I have always liked, songs I newly like, and songs I've not heard before and will likely like.  Like - Yeah!
Never met Cake till RP.  Glad I found both.

Clever and subtle lyrics, combined with great banging of instruments.  (Technical term.)
A song about a super nova, named after a singer with a lyric about an old man and Chinese lamps... yep, we got us some CAKE here.
CAKE!!!  Yippee!

<edit 90 seconds later>  From 1996?  Yikes.    
is this BNL on shrooms?
cake perplexes me. Some songs - especially Short Skirt Long Jacket (my introduction) - still make me laugh and shake my butt they often veer into Weird For Weirds Sake territory like the Bonzo's and They Might Be Giants tend to, and that can tire eadily.
 sfyi2001 wrote:



 wtango wrote:
I really like CAKE!
CAKE rules!  This one's an 8 for me, and I find that most of the CAKE BillG plays here is at least a 7, often an 8 or 9....keep 'em coming BillG....Long Live RP!!
This song sucks!
I really like CAKE!
Sorry guys, but it's just pure genius.
Sorry. Really.
I PSDed to this?!?!?

still of "Yukio Mishima" from the movie "Mishima"
Mishima-san is somewhat troubled by your regrettable embrace of this Western decadence...

 coloradojohn wrote:
CAKE are staggeringly good... I've seen them twice, and I have and play all their songs, but any of them can still impress me with their sheer mastery of over-the-top witticisms backed up and whacked hard by such uncanny timing and such incredible musical prowess!

CoJo - you continue to impress me with your succinct and spot-on song comments and a deep understanding of what YOU like to hear and why.  That's cool. 

And then you go and use CAKE instead of Cake, which is a clear sign that you're no poser.  I guess at least you, me and BillG like them a lot!!

BillG - re: the "this was just played" crap earlier posts mention, all I can guess is it's related to the cache feature and/or skipping/PSDing, possible with different devices.  And if you were to play a CAKE track more than 3x a month - well I say GO FOR IT!!!  Long Live RP...and PEACE!!

CAKE are staggeringly good... I've seen them twice, and I have and play all their songs, but any of them can still impress me with their sheer mastery of over-the-top witticisms backed up and whacked hard by such uncanny timing and such incredible musical prowess!
 Broken_Ear wrote:
Well the feeling that you "always hear the same songs" on RP is getting stronger for me, sadly. I am switching channels more often now since a few years back. And I don't trust the "played x-times in the last 30 days" one bit. This was on a few days back.

Previous play before your post (the only other play in that 30 days) was on May 25th, 3 weeks previously. Must have been memorable :-)



Well the feeling that you "always hear the same songs" on RP is getting stronger for me, sadly. I am switching channels more often now since a few years back. And I don't trust the "played x-times in the last 30 days" one bit. This was on a few days back.
Am not fond of Cake either.  But I reckon RP would poorer without the band's music.
I really don't like Cake.  However, my waistline demonstrates otherwise. And, again, they just form a part of the fascinating tapestry woven by the artists at Radio Paradise.  By the time I've typed this, Fink are playing, so I'm comfortable again.  While others click PSD.  And so it goes on.
I like Cake. Many of their songs are original, different, and interesting. 
 Kaisersosay wrote:

I have long gotten over the fact that listening to Cake,  Oi Va Voi, or any other PSD worthy artist is a necessary evil here at RP.

I also realize that is an opinion, it might be exclusive myself or open to discussion...............     

I agree

I have long gotten over the fact that listening to Cake,  Oi Va Voi, or any other PSD worthy artist is a necessary evil here at RP.

I also realize that is an opinion, it might be exclusive myself or open to discussion...............     

less than 
Time to complain about Cake again. Variety makes the world go 'round, and if all we had to read were sycophantic posts, life in the comment section would be extremely dull - much like the "music" Cake are offering.
 h8rhater wrote:

EXACTLY!.... folks _could_ just quit their cryin' and use the feature provided specifically for them.  Why insult the artist or their fans on this board just because their sound doesn't work for you?
On the contrary. I LOVE the negative comments on some songs. Personality!

This one's a nice 7 for me. :) 
This sounds great if you are not into music - after all, there is very little music to be heard here - like they are influenced by The Red Hot Chili Peppers.
 nmcvaugh wrote:
Rather than complain about Cake, I'd like to thank Bill and Rebecca for the PSD button. Problem solved.

EXACTLY!.... folks _could_ just quit their cryin' and use the feature provided specifically for them.  Why insult the artist or their fans on this board just because their sound doesn't work for you?

Great guitars, great trumpet, great song.
Although I do not care for the subject of the song, I do love this song - love Cake - different
Thank The Lord, for a second I thought the track name was the artist and my finger hovered over PSD. Actually, Frank might've been better than this.....
Forgot how much I liked this song.  Thank you.
I love Cake, and I love that their sound is so distinctive! 
 identitydrain wrote:
Yeah, no sound on that song. Bill, you may want to check that out! I can't think of a time when a song was completely skipped like that. 

Oh no! The Cake haters are getting their wish!
Yeah, no sound on that song. Bill, you may want to check that out! I can't think of a time when a song was completely skipped like that. 
The sound of silence...
 Kanuffen wrote:
I think you got your request.  I see things, the webpage responds to clickies, but I hear nothing.
 gjr wrote:
why is it, bill, that we never hear frank sinatra on here?  there's plenty of room for natalie "sandpaper on sunburn" merchant and basement jaxx and all sorts of other atrocities, so why oh why no frank???

I agree 100% !
 Kanuffen wrote:

I see you made up your own .png graphic file for this. I thought it might be some wacky font= thing. That takes some dedication. Maybe you could channel some of that energy and creativity elsewhere. 

On the plus side, at least it's reusable.
 Kanuffen wrote:

Actually, please don't...
why is it, bill, that we never hear frank sinatra on here?  there's plenty of room for natalie "sandpaper on sunburn" merchant and basement jaxx and all sorts of other atrocities, so why oh why no frank???
I like 'em -- I like 'em a lot, and actually stood in the rain to hear them during an outdoor concert in St. Pete years ago.  Fool?  Maybe.  Fan?  Definitely.
This geezer could do with a swiftly delivered "copacabana" to the "albert halls" - to say his singing style grates smugly would be an understatement. 

 joelbb wrote:

Yes, you have no sense of clever, articulate lyrics whatsoever.  I've always thought of Cake as an IQ test.

You're absolutely right! If you listen all the way through most Cake songs without hitting the PSD button, you're a fool. 

Take your own IQ test and click on the "lyrics" link for this song. I can't say the words you'll find will even marginally reward your effort.

Let's not even talk about the singing. Someone needs to go into the studio and cattle prod that hipster doofus out of his snotty ennui. 

Rather than complain about Cake, I'd like to thank Bill and Rebecca for the PSD button. Problem solved.
 jhorton wrote:
I'd rather be stranded on a desert island with two hits of acid, three hits of viagra, and Oprah Winfrey, then ever listen to one verse of a Cake song ever again in my life!

Have I made myself clear? 
Only 3 hits of Viagra and Oprah?Isn't that like bringing a knife to an ugly fight?No wait,I meant a gunfight.
 joelbb wrote:

Yes, you have no sense of clever, articulate lyrics whatsoever.  I've always thought of Cake as an IQ test.  You flunked.
IMO, Cake's lyrics are clever; ridiculously, affectedly clever. Listening to cake is sort of like walking into a Starbucks, and the baristas are sharing a joke about Kafka, and they provide you service with a sneer — because you'll never be clever enough to get their joke.

Who needs waterboarding?  We got Cake.

 jhorton wrote:
I'd rather be stranded on a desert island with two hits of acid, three hits of viagra, and Oprah Winfrey, then ever listen to one verse of a Cake song ever again in my life!

Have I made myself clear? 
Are your bags packed?  Oprah may be sending Joan Rivers as a fill-in, however.
That was brilliant, Bill. That was a morning maker.
 Kanuffen wrote:

 jhorton wrote:
I'd rather be stranded on a desert island with two hits of acid, three hits of viagra, and Oprah Winfrey, then ever listen to one verse of a Cake song ever again in my life!

Have I made myself clear? 
I remember that night, Winfrey was off her tits!
Shameful and stupid. Hooray!
 jhorton wrote:
I'd rather be stranded on a desert island with two hits of acid, three hits of viagra, and Oprah Winfrey, then ever listen to one verse of a Cake song ever again in my life!

Have I made myself clear? 
Yes, you have no sense of clever, articulate lyrics whatsoever.  I've always thought of Cake as an IQ test.  You flunked.
 jhorton wrote:
I'd rather be stranded on a desert island with two hits of acid, three hits of viagra, and Oprah Winfrey, then ever listen to one verse of a Cake song ever again in my life!

Have I made myself clear? 
This is a good song to ponder this question over. 
Guitar and trumpet dwelling solos.... Got to love that
prefab sprout?
crap what man?
What man crap
man what crap
I'd rather be stranded on a desert island with two hits of acid, three hits of viagra, and Oprah Winfrey, then ever listen to one verse of a Cake song ever again in my life!

Have I made myself clear? 
I really sense a dull and trite song here...sorry...I just don't like this band or its output.
 fredriley wrote:
On a wild tangent, I've never really liked the English expression "to have your cake and eat it". The Italians have a much better saying: "avere una botta piena e una moglie ubriaca" - to have a full barrel and a drunk wife :o)

I'll get me Chianti...
Thanks.  I was just sitting here wondering how that English expression related to the name of this band.

Love this song, especially the guy going ballistic at the end.
 fredriley wrote:
On a wild tangent, I've never really liked the English expression "to have your cake and eat it". The Italians have a much better saying: "avere una botta piena e una moglie ubriaca" - to have a full barrel and a drunk wife :o)

I'll get me Chianti...
That expression has always bugged me too.  It had apparently gotten reversed since the 16th Century, when it was something like "Would you both eat your cake and have your cake?"  In its current form it makes much less sense.  One would obviously have to possess a cake (or any comestible) before one could consume it.
Good tune, by the way - it made me wonder if Sinatra ever recorded a tune called "Cake".

love it
LOVE their sound, though I'm not sure how to describe it. They're the musical heirs to Camper Van Beethoven, one of my favorite bands of the 80's (let's not talk about Cracker, though). Speaking of CVB—haven't heard them on RP in way too long.
Parental Advisory... LOLing my ass off. 
On a wild tangent, I've never really liked the English expression "to have your cake and eat it". The Italians have a much better saying: "avere una botta piena e una moglie ubriaca" - to have a full barrel and a drunk wife :o)

I'll get me Chianti...
So very, very satisfying.
Gooood memories :)
I know a "10" rating is way over the top but my god man if you could give a top grade to something you knew, in all it's cheesiness, would never be equaled... then you would not hesitate one moment to give it the ten it deserved!
...everytime this song starts playing, i totally expect homestar runner to start singing...
Saw them live again just this past weekend. So much fun, as always. They played this, and I don't remember ever hearing it at the couple previous shows where I've seen them.

lots of rhymes with "a-tion" which do not lead to standing "ovation" {#Whisper}
 Giselle62 wrote:
It was really neat to experience an audience of all ages singing these quirky little lyrics together.
totally awesome fan base, and a great live show!
 ziggytrix wrote:

Yes, their live shows are FANTASTIC!!

Everyone should like Cake for some reason!  8 +

I heard this morning that Lena Horne died, and when they showed a clip of her singing Stormy Weather, I immediately had this song stuck in my head.
What a nice way to start my Saturday, having just watching the sunrise and checking the garden's pulse.
When did Frank Sinatra record this? He sounds different.
 Giselle62 wrote:
It was really neat to experience an audience of all ages singing these quirky little lyrics together.
Yes, their live shows are FANTASTIC!!

It was really neat to experience an audience of all ages singing these quirky little lyrics together.
Sounds a bit like early Elvis... Costello, that is.
 dedawson wrote:
No, you just embarrassed yourself by placing Los Angeles roughly in the middle of Lompoc in Santa Barbara county.{#Redface}


Actually it's a map of "California Card Rooms Locations by Region" as determined by the Attorney General of CA. 
It's not city's and their locations.  So I guess his embarrassment would be picking a funky map, cause I don't think he's the one that put the name Los Angeles in the only area in that region where it would fit.


 bokey wrote:

I made a comment in this thread a couple years ago that called them " a good,simple band".

 Turns out I'm the simple one in comparison .{#Lol}
I think you were right to call them "simple".  I believe they're the antithesis of pretense.

You mean that's salt? I thought it was sugar...ew.  {#Eyes}
I think the reason I like this band well enough is NOT because of the singer (if you call him that), but the music!

Someone left the cake out in the rain...
If it weren't for the singing and the instrumentation, this would be okay.

love, love, adore this album... i know some people do not like Cake, but this song has got to be hard to argue against, and I think after a few turns through this album they may just change their mind.

freaking fantastic.

3 of the last 4 have just bee spot on.. Beatles w/ Mr. Kite, RJD2 and his Smoke & Mirrors, and now this one... wish I was outside in my backyard relaxing, grilling, and having a couple of cold brews. {#Cowboy}
 rtrudeau wrote:
No, you just embarrassed yourself by placing Los Angeles roughly in the middle of Lompoc in Santa Barbara county.{#Redface}
I was going to correct you, and sternly remind you that Cake is from beautiful Sacramento, California ...

... until I realized that you were talking about the previous commenter's location. Wow. Good thing I didn't embarrass myself like that.


 lil_pixie wrote:
fantastic album..
This is one CD I play all the way through! .... and then let it repeat!!  (I don't do that with anything else, not even shampoo!)
fantastic album..

 rtb wrote:
If it wasn't for Bill putting Cake into rotation, I would have never known they've actually got some musical substance!
Yeah, I heard this on "The Sopranos" and liked it but didn't catch on to how cool they are until I heard some more of their stuff on RP.

 I made a comment in this thread a couple years ago that called them " a good,simple band".

 Turns out I'm the simple one in comparison . {#Lol}

If it wasn't for Bill putting Cake into rotation, I would have never known they've actually got some musical substance!
 IMGoph wrote:
this coming from the country that gave us Abba and ace of base? please....
I was going to correct you, and sternly remind you that Cake is from beautiful Sacramento, California ...

... until I realized that you were talking about the previous commenter's location. Wow. Good thing I didn't embarrass myself like that.

Supergrass to Cake.  What a letdown.  3
Gotta love Cake!
TheFriendlyCat wrote:
OMG!!! (sorry, i had to use it) I have listened to this song on my Mp3 player for the last two years, and never had a clue who it was, and now I find out it was CAKE! I like the drummy bit in the middle with the pointless yelling in the back ground
how could you miss that distinctly Cakey Sound?
Ntropy wrote:
You probably just don't understand Monty Python, either? I wish I could help you.
I know every line of Python by heart. I was talking about shows like "Are you being served?" and the like...
gutboy wrote:
these guys suck so bad they almost go full circle, like one of those horrid British 70s comedies you see on PBS
You probably just don't understand Monty Python, either? I wish I could help you.
Baby_M wrote:
I'd rather hear Frank Sinatra singing a song named "Cake."
Excellent work. Mightly clever. (though I do find Cake to be a unique act)
I'd rather hear Frank Sinatra singing a song named "Cake."
kysmet wrote:
never tired of cake!
me neither! :D
these guys suck so bad they almost go full circle, like one of those horrid British 70s comedies you see on PBS
IMGoph wrote:
this coming from the country that gave us abba and ace of base? please....
Don't know anything about Ace of Base. Unlike these guys, though, some of Abba's stuff had a melody.
me likes this lineup. got my father-in-Law hooked on RP. yessss.
never tired of cake!
So tired of cake. Unless it's icecream cake.