Lyle Lovett — Private Converstions (Acoustic)
(no lyrics available)
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Pumping it, like an old yarn spinner...
trekhead wrote:
That's a bad thing? Brevity leaves the fans wanting more, and gives the 'unfans' hope that their ordeal will be shortly over.
The one bad thing about all of Lyle's tunes is they are all over too soon!
That's a bad thing? Brevity leaves the fans wanting more, and gives the 'unfans' hope that their ordeal will be shortly over.
Lyle Lovett is one of those artists who seems to make music for himself, not for commercial success. Maybe I'm wrong (it's happened before), but I think he does what he does because he truly loves doing it, and has the luxury of being paid handsomely for it. He's not unique of course, I think the best artists (whatever their medium) share that trait. But a song like this, he's already made a fortune from it, played it a thousand times, but he still wants to sit down and play it again, sparse and pure. I don't know, somehow that dedication and emotion comes through.
Sounds like it could have been written by Jimmy Buffett.... "Fins", "The Weather is Here", etc. Not saying that's a bad thing.
I love Lyle Lovett. That's all.
stephw wrote:
And so it begins.
Check out Pontiac and The Road To Ensenada to start with; pretty soon you'll want to hear everything he's ever released. You can't go wrong.
Wow, this is what a Lyle Lovett song sounds like? I like 

And so it begins.
Check out Pontiac and The Road To Ensenada to start with; pretty soon you'll want to hear everything he's ever released. You can't go wrong.
Wow, this is what a Lyle Lovett song sounds like? I like 

I like the original version but this is a really nice, mellow version that stands well by itself.
Ya gotta love Lyle! He seems at home on RP too. Excellent version.
Land_Shark wrote:
Check out Pontiac ... arguably his best.
Concur with Pontiac as a great record, and may be his best written work but Step Inside This House is an awesome presentation of some great songs by other writers...
Check out Pontiac ... arguably his best.
Concur with Pontiac as a great record, and may be his best written work but Step Inside This House is an awesome presentation of some great songs by other writers...
Land_Shark wrote:
I vote for Road to Ensenada . . . and I'm not even from Texas! The original version of this song comes off that album.
Check out Pontiac ... arguably his best.
I vote for Road to Ensenada . . . and I'm not even from Texas! The original version of this song comes off that album.
Just because its live # 8,,otherwise I can live without this one.

Great pick Bill! One of the best shows I've ever seen. The man (and his large band) seem genuinely happy to have to opportunity to play on stage. The word that repeatedly comes to mind with Mr. Lovett is sincere. Catch them if they come to town.
where the big hair ?

I hope Lyle writes his autobiography some day soon. Now there's a book I would line up to buy.
vivakitty wrote:
A rare case where I prefer the studio, album version. 7 for this, 9 for the original. The original just ... SOARS.

Excelsior wrote:
Repetitively good (over and over again)!!!!

Oh Lord this is repetitive.
Repetitively good (over and over again)!!!!

A rare case where I prefer the studio, album version. 7 for this, 9 for the original. The original just ... SOARS.
Oh Lord this is repetitive.
The one bad thing about all of Lyle's tunes is they are all over too soon!
Sing it Mr. Lovett!

Rickvee wrote:
Hearing this makes me thin I need to go out and buy some Lyle Lovett music asap. Wonderful song.
Check out Pontiac ... arguably his best.
OK song but very very repetitious, . . .I hear it was a private conversation, then why does he keep talking about it?
Rickvee wrote:
Hearing this makes me thin I need to go out and buy some Lyle Lovett music asap. Wonderful song.
The cd Lyle Lovett and his Large Band is outstanding.
bev wrote:
Agreed! I think that one of the brilliant things about Lyle Lovett is how he's smart enough to surround himself with an absolutely outstanding backup band.
Also, he uses his (somewhat limited) vocal range and extremely clever songwriting in such a way as to really showcase his talents fully.
Stopped what I was working on, turned it me some Lyle!
Oh yeah!!!
it's the talented Motorcycle dealer!
yes, this has happened to me...sing it, Lyle
Can't say enough about this artist, his integrity and the pure joy following his career has been for the past 15 years or so of our great living artists!
Pyro wrote:
LL IS great in concert. Saw him a few years back with his big band. All of the musicians, particularly the cellist, WAILED. Also love it when Francine Reed sings along. What an expressive voice doing some really original and fun songs by one of my favorite artists.
Agreed! I think that one of the brilliant things about Lyle Lovett is how he's smart enough to surround himself with an absolutely outstanding backup band.
Also, he uses his (somewhat limited) vocal range and extremely clever songwriting in such a way as to really showcase his talents fully.
Stopped what I was working on, turned it me some Lyle!
Hearing this makes me thin I need to go out and buy some Lyle Lovett music asap. Wonderful song.
I saw Lyle and his Large Band at an outdoor amphitheater in Chautauqua, NY just a few months ago. Absolutely fantastic!
I really like this.
An amazingly, beautiful artist.
Not a bad version, but not quite up to the original studio cut. Still, any LL is welcome here.
dixiedeb wrote:
Love that Lyle Lovett! It is a shame he does not the recognition he deserves.
Ah, but the people who love him let him know it.

Love that Lyle Lovett! It is a shame he does not get the recognition he deserves.
very pleasant! i had no idea lyle lovett could sound so good.
This is a damn cool song!!
From the cure "harold and Joe" to indigo girls "Land of Canaan" to this gem from Lyle...excellent. Unexpected and excellent. Unexpected and therefore excellent.
BKardon wrote:does that count ?
To be fair, instead of saying "all of them," if one were to buy just one Lyle disk, The Road To Ensenada is probably the best bet. But you should buy all of them...
You could buy them all for the price of one concert ticket. Sigh... that's how I always justify buying cd's. BTW I have all LL's collection (and have never seen him live). Except for PBS artmaven wrote:
1st row center! Don't know how I got those seats. Best concert and most fun ever. I must have done something nice in a previous life.
I think I'd probably put him at the top of my best concert list. Saw him at Ravinia in Chicago, was a fantastic evening.
Pyro wrote:
LL IS great in concert. Saw him a few years back with his big band. All of the musicians, particularly the cellist, WAILED. Also love it when Francine Reed sings along. What an expressive voice doing some really original and fun songs by one of my favorite artists.
1st row center! Don't know how I got those seats. Best concert and most fun ever. I must have done something nice in a previous life.
This section is begging for a dissenting opinion, but it won't come from me.
How about something from his college roomate, Robert Earl Keene? A little more identifiably country, but just a little. "Undone" would be my top suggestion but there is plenty to choose from.
Pretty good! I noticed, though, that somebody spelled "conversations" wrong in the title!
I like the song, though! 

Patty Larkin does a great live version of this, but I don't know if she's ever put on any of her albums.
... i'm not disliking this as much as i expected to. hehe. *hides from the fans*
Lyle always helps me with my day. I've got most of his albums and love every one of them. I've seen him live I don't know how many times. Everytime he comes to town I'm there. Fortunately he hits Knoxville at least once a year.
Never can get too much Lyle!
If you're looking for a good Lyle CD to start with, I'd highly recommend Pontiac. This one has it all, country/folksy, blues along with one or two introspective sad songs. And he pulls it all off extremely well.
Then check out Lyle Lovett and His Large Band. This is the album I started off with. Got invited to see him live on this tour. At that point I didn't know anything about him. On this CD he is backed by a Big Band.
Then check out Step Inside This House, a dual CD set where he performs songs by Texas songwriters the likes of Townes Van Zandt, Guy Clark, Robert Earl Keene, Steven Fromholz and many others. An outstanding compilation.
That's how I began to appreciate Lyle Lovett. And definitely go see him live if you get a chance. His quiet interludes between songs never fail to leave me with a smile on my face. The man is a complete entertainer.
Its nice to know my high school produced atleast someone noteworthy. Not that I was much help.
Oh Thank you! I needed this to start my Friday....
First time listening to a complete LL disk was Road to Ensenada on a drive through west Utah into Nevada. Fit perfectly. I haven't been disappointed with any of his Lps that I have. Hope to catch him in concert here soon.
His sense of lyrical humor is great too. Not to many people could write and sing "Fat babies have no pride" and make it a great song. His "acting" on the other hand thankfully hasn't led him to delusions of grandeur. I think only Robert Altman could put him in a movie and not make him look terrible.
Lemme see if I've got this lyric right.... "HeeeeEEEyyy". Nope.
Maybe more like "HEEEEeeeeyyy". No, not it either.
Wait--I think I got it-- "HeeEEEEeeeeyyyY". Perfect!
Already got my tickets to see him at Wolftrap this summer. Yeah!
BKardon wrote:
To be fair, instead of saying "all of them," if one were to buy just one Lyle disk, The Road To Ensenada is probably the best bet. But you should buy all of them...
if you can buy just one disc, get "Step Inside This House"...'cause it's a double CD set (but you're really just buying "one" album...)!
a Lyle Lovett concert is an AMAZING thing
To be fair, instead of saying "all of them," if one were to buy just one Lyle disk, The Road To Ensenada is probably the best bet. But you should buy all of them...
edieraye wrote:
All of them
I can even say this with a straight face: all of them. Seriously. And see him in concert. Edie's dead on.
A really nice rendition I've only heard in concert, so glad someone could share here. Thanks.
conceptjames wrote:
Seriously, I would start with Pontiac and then The Road to Ensenada. But if you have to choose between buying his CDs and seeing him in concert - go to the concert.
Everytime I hear great Lyle Lovett songs, I feel guilty for not buying more of his stuff. Can someone recommend a couple great LL records to buy?
All of them 
i'm a rock fan.
i'll take led zeppelin over anything country 11 times out of 10.
a pretty lady once talked me into bringing her to a Lyle Lovett show and i was BLOWN AWAY. The man is a true professional and an expert in the art of subtlety.
SerenityNow wrote:
LL is one of those artists that some have a hard time embracing, they kind of group him into this bogus stereotype.
His lack of mainstream popularity is perhaps what makes hearing his tunes so invigorating, a great musician and vocalist.
His live shows are remarkable.
He certainly was fashioned in a country context early on...
I gave this a 10 because it occurs to me that every time I hear this song, I stop everything I'm doing to listen! That has to tell me something.
Gotta love Lyle!
Everytime I hear great Lyle Lovett songs, I feel guilty for not buying more of his stuff. Can someone recommend a couple great LL records to buy?
Schmackdown wrote:
I do like this. What's a 'converstion'?
Rechtschreibungsfehler! ;)
"......boy, pick up that fiddle, and play that steel guitar..."
A 9.
I like Cheryl Wheeler's version better.
Lovin' Lyle. Thanks, again, RP!!

Pyro wrote:
Thanks for the info Kevin!
I just found a source for the CD's. I'll be getting a copy of all for myself within about 1 month. If you really want 'em I could probably make you a copy.
KevinM wrote:
It was a limited release CD titled "Live From the Music Hall" that the long-defunked KSCA (103.1) put out sometime in the 90's.
I happened to find someone that had the set burned a few tracks for myself.
Thanks for the info Kevin!
Pyro wrote:
So is this CD available? It doesn't show up in the usual place on RP....
It was a limited release CD titled "Live From the Music Hall" that the long-defunked KSCA (103.1) put out sometime in the 90's.
I happened to find someone that had the set burned a few tracks for myself.
So is this CD available? It doesn't show up in the usual place on RP....
LL IS great in concert. Saw him a few years back with his big band. All of the musicians, particularly the cellist, WAILED. Also love it when Francine Reed sings along. What an expressive voice doing some really original and fun songs by one of my favorite artists.
aahhh...i like ol' eraserhead
Pipes wrote:
This guy has more stage prescence than anyone I've ever seen in concert.
Very true. He puts on a tremendous show. I don't think you even need to be a fan of his to have a great time. Which reminds me, I need to check his touring schedule.

PLEASE play more Lyle Lovett! I think this is the only LL song I've heard on RP, and that might be once a month. PLEASE please please!
I do like this. What's a 'converstion'?
Pipes wrote:
This guy has more stage prescence than anyone I've ever seen in concert.
I'll double that !!!

LL is one of those artists that some have a hard time embracing, they kind of group him into this bogus stereotype.
His lack of mainstream popularity is perhaps what makes hearing his tunes so invigorating, a great musician and vocalist.
His live shows are remarkable.
This is my favorite song from the only Lyle Lovett album I own. This acoustic version is just as great. Saw LL open for Sting some years ago; that's what prompted me to buy the CD. It's a nice surprise to hear this on RP!

Sadly, I seem to know more about Lyle Lovett's personal life then his music. Judging from this song, I think it's about time to change that.

Lyle is one of those artists that\'s just instantly identifiable.
You\'ll never mistake him for anybody else.
You\'ll never confuse another singer with him.

meh, I hear this over the speakers 4 or 5 times a day at work :\\
I forgot about this song - love Lovett...
Man...what is it about Lyle? He\'s just plain COOL! He\'s a VERY good actor, and has a good acting sense of humor (him with braces in \"The New Guy\"?!?!?!?). He can JAM, too! A lot of fun to see live...even if you don\'t know a lot of his music. And he was married to JULIA ROBERTS... 

yes yes, quite good
Originally Posted by civ_pro:
i can't believe i am hearing this. this is my favorite lyle song, and is this the KSCA Music Hall disc?
Yes it is KSCA Live from the Music Hall.i can\'t believe i am hearing this. this is my favorite lyle song, and is this the KSCA Music Hall disc? If it is, and if you can play songs from it, you should definitely play the whole thing. Brings back wonderful wonderful memories of LA.
More Lyle Lovett!
That's a bad thing? Brevity leaves the fans wanting more, and gives the 'unfans' hope that their ordeal will be shortly over.
gotta say you're a funny guy Fred.