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Nena — 99 Luftballons
Album: 99 Luftballons
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Total ratings: 2898

Released: 1983
Length: 3:49
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Hast Du etwas Zeit für mich
Dann singe ich ein Lied für Dich
Von 99 Luftballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont

Denkst Du vielleicht g'rad an mich
Dann singe ich einen Lied für Dich
Von 99 Luftballons
Und dass so was von so was kommt

99 Luftballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont
Hielt man für UFOs aus dem All
Darum schickte eine General

'Ne Fliegerstaffel hinterher
Alarm zu geben, wenn es so wär
Dabei war'n da am Horizont
Nur 99 Luftballons

99 Düsenflieger
Jeder war ein großer Krieger
Hielten sich für Captain Kirk
Es gab ein großes Feuerwerk

Die Nachbarn haben nichts gerafft
Und fühlten sich gleich angemacht
Dabei schoss man am Horizont
Auf 99 Luftballons

99 Kriegsminister
Streichholz und Benzinkanister
Hielten sich für schlaue Leute
Witterten schon fette Beute

Riefen, Krieg und wollten Macht
Mann, wer hätte das gedacht
Dass es einmal soweit kommt
Wegen 99 Luftballons

Wegen 99 Luftballons
99 Luftballons

99 Jahre Krieg
Ließen keinen Platz für Sieger
Kriegsminister gibt's nicht mehr
Und auch keine Düsenflieger

Heute zieh' ich meine Runden
Seh die Welt in Trümmern liegen
Hab 'n Luftballon gefunden
Denk' an Dich und lass' ihn fliegen
Comments (496)add comment
That saying? What is it?... oh yes,  "History repeats itself". A very real fear from 1983 brought back to life in 2025- courtesy of billionaires. As long as they are ultra rich they must be smart. What do I know, Im certainly not. 
immer wieder gern 
 john_m_hopkins wrote:

...The REST of the story...
Song about an incident what happened in the days of the cold war,while I was stationed there with the Air Force:
In a small town of the DDR (aka "East Germany"), a small DDR town was celebrating a 100th anniversary, launching 99 balloons (aluminum-coated)... not far from the east-west German border the aluminumized balloons created a "blind-spot" (cloud) on western radar waning systems... triggering an alert warning for "suspicious activity" a common cat-and-mouse game occasionally played by the Soviets (strongly NOT recommended by the Russians, particularly so close to the border)... the west began a flurry of inquiries to the Russians, along with activating defense systems (to include launching offensive military aircraft... the Russians stated "they had no idea" (they really didn't)... mistrustful of the Russian response, western authorities recommended explaining on what was going on in their own back yard... after several extremely tense minutes/hours it was eventually figured out... alerted systems (on both sides) slowly tuned down the volume and recalled alerted attack aircraft... never happened again on my time... communications procedures were also improved (as the West German press went bananas)

how does that Chinese curse go? 'may you live in interesting times'
 siqbal wrote:

Those were crazy times. The world lived on a hair trigger and any number of such incidents could have triggered Mutually Assured Destruction and the collapse of modern civilization. We just learned to live with it at the time but I'm glad that existential dread that was always at the back of one's mind at the time is no longer there. The current existential threat of climate change is not quite the same as MAD could occur in a finger snap. 

Eight months after your comment I feel we're back in similar crazy times... Trying to think of a current song that's a similar match as Nena was then.
 jrozzelle wrote:

In 1985 I was a 2nd Lt in the Army, living in Germany, waiting for the Russians to stream through the Fulda gap. This was still on regular rotation on the airwaves and in the discos.

Cool Story. Thank You for sharing it!   ...and, Thank You for your service!  
In 1985 I was a 2nd Lt in the Army, living in Germany, waiting for the Russians to stream through the Fulda gap. This was still on regular rotation on the airwaves and in the discos.
Always happy to skip this one...
Hearing this is kinda like having some gauzy nostalgia about an ex...
In retrospect it never really was much more than a passing fancy.   
Interesting so they took that intro riff from T Rex. I heard at the end of the previous track (Mambo Sun) and was like where have heard that before?? Thanks for the answer William.
Well, the 80´s, ugly clothes, paranoid politics and awful music.
Das tut mir in den Ohren weh

Seriously, Bill? WTF? Make it stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Elchupacabre wrote:

As i'm from Austria (not Australia :D ), this is a part of our culture and history, for sure, for many people outside of europe, this is "only" a pop song. But it's so much more for us. Thanks for playing this!

I'm also from Austria (now Canadian) and I second all you said.
I dance to this daily.
I don't get hating something because it's pop vs. some more sophisticated music.  It's like saying ice cream is terrible because it's not Lobster Newberg.   
If this song is merely ice cream, then it's well made, tasty ice cream and sometimes I'm in the mood for that.  

Thank you Bill for keeping it on the playlist!
They performed this on TOTP in German when it was at No.1 - fantastic - 
I dance to this song, have to give it 10/10
Obviously a 9.
YES, a NEIN... a nine.
 john_m_hopkins wrote:

...The REST of the story...
Song about an incident what happened in the days of the cold war,while I was stationed there with the Air Force:
In a small town of the DDR (aka "East Germany"), a small DDR town was celebrating a 100th anniversary, launching 99 balloons (aluminum-coated)... not far from the east-west German border the aluminumized balloons created a "blind-spot" (cloud) on western radar waning systems... triggering an alert warning for "suspicious activity" a common cat-and-mouse game occasionally played by the Soviets (strongly NOT recommended by the Russians, particularly so close to the border)... the west began a flurry of inquiries to the Russians, along with activating defense systems (to include launching offensive military aircraft... the Russians stated "they had no idea" (they really didn't)... mistrustful of the Russian response, western authorities recommended explaining on what was going on in their own back yard... after several extremely tense minutes/hours it was eventually figured out... alerted systems (on both sides) slowly tuned down the volume and recalled alerted attack aircraft... never happened again on my time... communications procedures were also improved (as the West German press went bananas)

Those were crazy times. The world lived on a hair trigger and any number of such incidents could have triggered Mutually Assured Destruction and the collapse of modern civilization. We just learned to live with it at the time but I'm glad that existential dread that was always at the back of one's mind at the time is no longer there. The current existential threat of climate change is not quite the same as MAD could occur in a finger snap. 
 brosen wrote:

I like the German version, I like the English version, and I'm glad when either of them are played on RP!

Same here!   I  Agree completely!  
I like the German version, I like the English version, and I'm glad when either of them are played on RP!
Not a great tune, but brings back so many memories of younger time. A solid 7, maybe more after a few shots.

Nena in black leather pants. Hairy arm pits. Kicking red balloons around in a battle field.  What a video!
 john_m_hopkins wrote:

...The REST of the story...
Song about an incident what happened in the days of the cold war,while I was stationed there with the Air Force:
In a small town of the DDR (aka "East Germany"), a small DDR town was celebrating a 100th anniversary, launching 99 balloons (aluminum-coated)... not far from the east-west German border the aluminumized balloons created a "blind-spot" (cloud) on western radar waning systems... triggering an alert warning for "suspicious activity" a common cat-and-mouse game occasionally played by the Soviets (strongly NOT recommended by the Russians, particularly so close to the border)... the west began a flurry of inquiries to the Russians, along with activating defense systems (to include launching offensive military aircraft... the Russians stated "they had no idea" (they really didn't)... mistrustful of the Russian response, western authorities recommended explaining on what was going on in their own back yard... after several extremely tense minutes/hours it was eventually figured out... alerted systems (on both sides) slowly tuned down the volume and recalled alerted attack aircraft... never happened again on my time... communications procedures were also improved (as the West German press went bananas)

I always thought this song was kind of dumb, but now knowing the backstory I like it quite a bit more.
i wonder if Stanislav Petrov ever listened to this song...
Thanks, RP, and Nena, for the memories! My God, what a PARTY that summer of '83 was in Boulder! Ahh, but those were different times... The old Hilton Harvest House used to host the best Friday Afternoon Club in town. I was just 21, and my head was, like, floating in the breeze, man... There was live music in the lush courtyard, and all sorts of activities amid the tennis courts and bike and pedestrian paths along Boulder Creek behind. I met wild and winsome Cindy from Gunbarrel there, and while we reclined in the grass and smoked a doobie, the band was playing THIS SONG... Someone let some balloons go. Many tasty adult beverages were served. We danced like happy celebrants, and that was quite a night to remember...
No for me, not ever, never.
 DavidS_UK wrote:

I love the songs that generate the greatest diversity of comment to ratings!  It show's we are alive and there are different types out there.
For me, it's not great music but great 70s pop and has a special place in my memory.  The German language version is of course the best.

Agreed on all points except one...  this is very firmly an 80's song, slap in the middle of the new wave boom early in the decade.
 fredriley wrote:

As a tribute to this classic, the Blue Monkey brewery, in Notts, brew an ale called 99 Red Baboons, and very tasty it is too :*)

What a wonderful fun fact😎
This song reminds me of my Army Brat childhood--I spent 6 years growing up in West Germany on and around various military installations during this time period. In 1983 we were stationed in Pirmasens, West Germany at a base with US Army tactical nukes. I think the majority of the folks back in the US--at least the kids my age--were utterly oblivious to what it was like in Europe at the time dealing with the Soviets. I was just a kid, but my classmates and I were pretty certain there was gonna be a nuclear war at any moment.
As i'm from Austria (not Australia :D ), this is a part of our culture and history, for sure, for many people outside of europe, this is "only" a pop song. But it's so much more for us. Thanks for playing this!
Oh my sainted aunt, I cannot do this one.
Yeahhhh German Cult Song...one oft the best anty war. Nena - still under attacks because of here standing against control and restritions during last years agenda here in Germany.

Nena in black leather pants, singing German lyrics in a MTV video.  
Fortunately even in 1983 early warning radars were able to distinguish between a bunch of balloons and a flock of Soviet ICBMs inbound over the North Pole.
Takes me back to being 16 ,on CND  protest in Blackburn Lancashire UK. This song (English version)  together with Give peace a chance were on continuos loop ,for the duration of our march. 
Jepp, deutsche Version.
 justin4kick wrote:

Nena on RP. Unglaublich!

Is that 'Inconceivable' in German?!?
The most delicious of 80s cheese...
Seems like history is repeating - a few balloons have been shot down a few days ago again 

Given all the stuff that has been flying across America lately, this song has suddenly become relevant again!

And then the Chinese Spy Balloon of January/February 2023 brought this song back to people's minds.
Love it...takes me instantly back to a skiing holiday in Livigno, Italy, 1983,  constantly played on the long draglifts. Thanks, Bill
I always remember seeing the video and thinking "what the...girls have hairy armpits too?!".  I was young, I got over it.
 MacGuffin wrote:

Low-budget Synthie-Sound
und eine unerträgliche Frau Kerner, die heute nicht alle Latten am Zaun hat.
Eine Popkarriere ohne Grund oder Talent.
Klingt immer noch schlimm.

A great cover version:
99 LUFTBALLONS by KALEIDA (Atomic Blonde Soundtrack)

Kaleida are an English electropop duo from London, England, formed in 2013. The band consists of vocalist Christina Wood and keyboardist Cicely Goulder.
I never imagined this song would become relevant again in the same sort of "Cold War In Europe" way.
Next thing you know we'll have to be putting it back to back with "Nikita", and maybe "Moonlight And Vodka" by Chris DeBurgh.
Goldfinger does an AMAZING cover of this.
 maxvonevil wrote:

Haha!  I taped this sign to the cover of my turntable in the early 70s, when I was 24 or so.  Thought it was funny then.  Think it is funny now.
 MacGuffin wrote:

Low-budget Synthie-Sound
und eine unerträgliche Frau Kerner, die heute nicht alle Latten am Zaun hat.
Eine Popkarriere ohne Grund oder Talent.
Klingt immer noch schlimm.

 zinzarin wrote:

Good thing you're not the judge of that.

Yeah, f*ck that guy. I got laid 1st time when that song was on - nothing but good memories, lol!
One of the first songs I fell in love with that didn't come from my parent's music collection.
 Thunderbolt wrote:

This does not deserve place on playlist......

Good thing you're not the judge of that.
Another song that got played to death in the 80s
Low-budget Synthie-Sound
und eine unerträgliche Frau Kerner, die heute nicht alle Latten am Zaun hat.
Eine Popkarriere ohne Grund oder Talent.
Klingt immer noch schlimm.
 snowcone wrote:

This song apparently has nothing to do with the cold war, but that doesn't stop it from giving me frisson every time I hear it. 

Like Rocket Man doesn't. It all had to do with the Cold War during the Cold War.
 Odtphy wrote:

Nena ist immer noch unterwegs!

Nena ist immer noch unterwegs!
This song apparently has nothing to do with the cold war, but that doesn't stop it from giving me frisson every time I hear it. 
Always preferred this German version over English...but understood why they did it in both languages.
Such fun! 
My wife knows all the words to this, still has an interesting affect on me when she sings 
This does not deserve place on playlist......
 haresfur wrote:
My girlfriend was living in Germany when this came out. The year before we had gone to a massive anti-nuke demonstration together, so it made me think of her, of course. When she came back and I played the tape, she rolled her eyes.

That was when it became pretty clear she was going to dump me.
Thanks Haresfur! That brought a big old smile on my face :)

Now, if she dumped you for playing this to her, perhaps it wasn't for the worst :)
Mehr von der neuen deutschen Welle aus den 80ern!
Totally a guilty pleasure for me. Reminds me of good times growing up in New Jersey, without a care in the world. 

The_Enemy wrote:
This is a guilty pleasure. I know it's not cool to like it 

Hübsch auf deutsch
 xkolibuul wrote:
 Severe antipathy to drum machines.  I was so glad when the 80s were over and done, you have no idea.
{#Doh}that is not a drum machine you are hearing.

This is a guilty pleasure. I know it's not cool to like it 
I always think this is Bjork but Bjork has a different singing style. Such a classic tune, glad RP has it on rotation
 jason4 wrote:
how anyone could rate this less than a 10 is beyond me.  One of the greatest songs of all time.  Ushering in the 80's with cold-war era music and post-punk.  Simply amazing.
Severe antipathy to drum machines.  I was so glad when the 80s were over and done, you have no idea.  
Top! Mehr davon :) ;)
As a tribute to this classic, the Blue Monkey brewery, in Notts, brew an ale called 99 Red Baboons, and very tasty it is too :*)
how anyone could rate this less than a 10 is beyond me.  One of the greatest songs of all time.  Ushering in the 80's with cold-war era music and post-punk.  Simply amazing.
So timely. Thank you, RP!
Guilty pleasure.  Volume up.
Nena on RP. Unglaublich!
 westslope wrote:
The anthem for the peace and disarmament movement of the 1980s. 
Oh, wake up, buddy... this was the anthem for commercial exploitation of the peace and disarmament movement of the 70s.
This song always brings back memories of watching MTV in 1983 with my girlfriend. At the time, this song/video was in fairly heavy rotation. 

Es geht mehr um die Zeiten.
 adib wrote:
This has not aged well.  Not sure I even liked it much at the time, but it's certainly memorable - not very 'RP-friendly', it's too brash and poppy.
I hope that Radio Paradise will never ever exclude a song for being too brash and poppy. Loved it then and love it now!
...The REST of the story...
Song about an incident what happened in the days of the cold war,while I was stationed there with the Air Force:
In a small town of the DDR (aka "East Germany"), a small DDR town was celebrating a 100th anniversary, launching 99 balloons (aluminum-coated)... not far from the east-west German border the aluminumized balloons created a "blind-spot" (cloud) on western radar waning systems... triggering an alert warning for "suspicious activity" a common cat-and-mouse game occasionally played by the Soviets (strongly NOT recommended by the Russians, particularly so close to the border)... the west began a flurry of inquiries to the Russians, along with activating defense systems (to include launching offensive military aircraft... the Russians stated "they had no idea" (they really didn't)... mistrustful of the Russian response, western authorities recommended explaining on what was going on in their own back yard... after several extremely tense minutes/hours it was eventually figured out... alerted systems (on both sides) slowly tuned down the volume and recalled alerted attack aircraft... never happened again on my time... communications procedures were also improved (as the West German press went bananas)
Bloody awful song!
As I posted 9 years ago (FFS!!!) interesting song.....
but a second play within 4 weeks seems a bit excessive! 
Yeah, Nena on RP, still a big star in Germany.
This has not aged well.  Not sure I even liked it much at the time, but it's certainly memorable - not very 'RP-friendly', it's too brash and poppy.
Please play the song"?" from their second album of the same title (from 1983) - very beautiful! Please also play Tom Schilling's original version of "Major Tom" (1982); way better than the English version you play so often.
 swiss2sound wrote:
😁 ich kann nicht mehr!!!

Hab' ich auch gerade gedacht - my thoughts exactly!
My girlfriend was living in Germany when this came out. The year before we had gone to a massive anti-nuke demonstration together, so it made me think of her, of course. When she came back and I played the tape, she rolled her eyes.

That was when it became pretty clear she was going to dump me.
growing up in the 80's in Germany, I loved Nena - and still do. But more her other songs she did before this one. This one is good, too, though.

Glad, that they kept the original soundtrack. Just sounds better - for a german
Segue from Deep Purple to Nena; this must be RP!  ; )
😁 ich kann nicht mehr!!!
The anthem for the peace and disarmament movement of the 1980s. 
 kurtster wrote:

Yummy, Yummy, Yummy I Got Love in My Tummy

Sugar, Sugar

The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia

I nominate:

Tie a Yellow Ribbon
We Built This City
 RedGuitar wrote:

"Honey" by Bobby Goldsboro, "Billy Don't Be a Hero" by ??,  and there's others, believe me.
I've been listening to pop music since 1963 or so and there's lots of worse tunes.
"99 Luftballoons" doesn't hold a candle to some of them as being bad, at least IMHO.

Yummy, Yummy, Yummy I Got Love in My Tummy

Sugar, Sugar

The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia
Being a fellow German, this gives me an overdose of Fremdscham ("vicarious embarrassment" would be a rough translation). I envy everyone not understanding the crappy lyrics...

A friend of mine spent the night with Nena's brother. 
This is the dumbest song ever.
Dear sweet Ganesh in a vest, why?



What about some Nina Hagen instead? From the first two albums? (As I know that my proposal about Can the other day turns out to be a hopeless one....)
 MojoJojo wrote:
I challenge anyone to convince me there is a worse song than this, in the entire history of songs.  Yes, I know, Achy Breaky Heart runs a close second, but... 

The three all time worst songs, as voted by moi (in no particular order):  To All De Girls I've Loved Before by Willie and Julio; Havin My Baby by Paul Anka; and Creep by Radiohead.

This one isn't even close.

 MojoJojo wrote:
I challenge anyone to convince me there is a worse song than this, in the entire history of songs.  Yes, I know, Achy Breaky Heart runs a close second, but... 
"Honey" by Bobby Goldsboro, "Billy Don't Be a Hero" by ??,  and there's others, believe me.
I've been listening to pop music since 1963 or so and there's lots of worse tunes.
"99 Luftballoons" doesn't hold a candle to some of them as being bad, at least IMHO.

 clwguy wrote:
Warum?  Dieser Lied ist aber toll!

 clwguy wrote:
DOCH! {#Yes}

This is Germany getting back at us for all those years of sending them our bad American cars
 MojoJojo wrote:
I challenge anyone to convince me there is a worse song than this, in the entire history of songs.  Yes, I know, Achy Breaky Heart runs a close second, but... 

Anything by Lady CaCa gets my vote! {#Puke}
This is a WERY GOOD pop song! Definitely perfect.
C'mon, playing this on RP is a joke, right? A bit of mirth amongst otherwise fine tunes? Or...can Flock of Seagulls be around the corner?
I challenge anyone to convince me there is a worse song than this, in the entire history of songs.  Yes, I know, Achy Breaky Heart runs a close second, but... 
 Shaker wrote:
{#Motor} This video was the first visual I think ever had of seeing a women with armpit hair.


No, this one never had my vote...

kurtkniffel wrote:
let this song rest in peace... and never play it again!

sandpebble wrote:
Agreed! This didn't stand the test of time at all!

Wah!  Cry babies cry.

I love the songs that generate the greatest diversity of comment to ratings!  It show's we are alive and there are different types out there.
For me, it's not great music but great 70s pop and has a special place in my memory.  The German language version is of course the best.
 thediceareloaded wrote:
Ha, funny, I used to live just around the corner where they took the photo...


Wo ist denn das aufgenommen worden seinerzeit?



Hah, me too, real shocker for a prepubescent teenager.... Hairy PITS!

One of John Peels favourites as I remember. 9

Shaker wrote:
{#Motor} This video was the first visual I think ever had of seeing a women with armpit hair.


everytime i hear this tune i flash on Gert Frobe in Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines - god help me

 kurtkniffel wrote:
let this song rest in peace... and never play it again!
 Agreed! This didn't stand the test of time at all!

For me, this and Kim Wilde's "Kids in America" go side by side as the 80's one-hit-wonder classics by female singers.

{#Motor} This video was the first visual I think ever had of seeing a women with armpit hair.

Ha, funny, I used to live just around the corner where they took the photo...