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Yoko Ono — Death Of Samantha (w/ Porcupine Tree)
Album: Yes I'm A Witch
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Total ratings: 142

Released: 2007
Length: 4:31
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (85)add comment

People say I'm cool,
Ya', I'm a cool, chick baby.
Ev'ry day I thank god
That I'm such a cool, chick baby.

When I'm on the phone, I thank god,
My voice sounds smooth and clear without a trace of tear.
When I'm at work, I thank god,
I still have that smile ma used to say lit her day.

But something inside me, something inside me died that day.
People say I'm cool,
Ya', I'm a cool, chick baby.
Ev'ry day I thank god
That I'm such a cool, chick baby.

When I'm with people, I thank god,
I can talk hip when I'm crying inside.

When I'm with friends, I thank god,
I can lit a cigarette when I'm choking inside.

People say I'm cool,
Ya', I'm a cool, chick baby.
Ev'ry day I thank god
That I'm such a cool, chick baby.

A friend lent me shades
So I could hide my eyes that day.
Was a snowy day,
The shades have seen a lot of things I didn't want to know myself.

Was like an accident, part of growing up,
People tell me.

But something inside me, something inside me died that day.
What do you do-oo? what can you do?
What do you do-oo? what can you do?
PT and Yoko? Another first for me on RP. But I don't need a second pass. Sorry, Steve. Thanks for trying. 
Cool eyewear, tho. 

The only thing this lady has with music, is it was the wife of the great John Lennon.

I dig it.

Which reminds me of that new Japanese-Jewish restaurant in town: SoSuMe 

 MissAmy wrote:
Wow, have people rated this so low because of their personal feelings toward Yoko Ono, or because it's truly a bad song? Honestly, I think it's the former. This isn't a great song, but it's not completely horrible either.
As a massive Beatles and Lennon fan, I actually have very warm personal feelings toward Yoko. She was John's chosen mate, and was IMHO exactly the person he needed as his partner in the last decade or so in his all too short life.

However..... she does have a fairly limited melodic bag of tricks - most songs have the same kind of la, la, la, la, laaaaaa melody. And her wispy vocals and off beat lyrics only work for a few tunes - for example Walking on Thin Ice.

Not a big PT or SW fan - my wife is - so this piece adds up to a 5 or 6 for me.

I applaud the RP DJ's for taking the risk....  really!  Yoko was John's love... how can anyone _hate that?  Thanks RP.... keep it coming and trust us!
If it weren't for Porcupine Tree this song would be truly truly awful.

Was that lyric:  "It's hard to light a cigarette, When you're choking in soy"  ? -  wow...
 UltraNurd wrote:
How many of these 1s are just Yokohating?
Probably most of them.

That's why I gave it a 2. 
No matter what Lennon saw in her, she continues to demonstrate no talent other than being able to snag a Beatle. {#Puke}
Yoko OH NO!   

F*cking awful
This is hideous.
Ouch.... I'm just saying... I stepped on my cat's tail and it sounded better....
Was just about to say, "Hey this sounds like Yoko!"
RP, we know how much you love Porcupine Tree, but does that really excuse playing the horrific Y.O. solely due to PT's feature on the song? yuck!!
It's certainly doesn't belong here
KevinM wrote:
The CD is mis-labeled. This is not Porcupine Tree, it's just Steven Wilson according to this information posted on PT's website.
Doesn't matter. I'm boycotting them all.
Keep playing this so we can keep on reading such entertaining comments. I have no comment on this song... it speaks for itself.
Is Yoko Ono trying to channel Porcupine Tree or the other way around? Haunting. Would John approve?
I was just thinking that the instrumentation sounded like classic Porcupine Tree, and then a noticed that it is SW after all. The song is not too bad. I wonder if most people hate this song just because it's Yoko Ono (I'm not a big fan of her either).
Thanks for playing it, Bill. While I don't agree with how Yoko has administered John's estate/legacy, I have liked a lot of her music. I thought her songs on Double Fantasy were great. They were energetic and fun. I love John's songs on that album, but I like Yoko's more. Bobby in Motown
Wow I kind of like it...but
Ever since I heard Yoko's album Fly I dropped the cheap shots about her.
I've never seen such a low rate for a song playing on RP. I'm sure it is only because of the name Yoko attached to it. Give it a try and listen. It ain't that bad. I give a 7 on that one (for the moment).
UltraNurd wrote:
How many of these 1s are just Yokohating?
Mine is only partially Yokohating. It's mostly because the song sounds awful to me.
Great group, shame about the singer...
I just threw up in my mouth
snowcat wrote:
What in the WORLD was Lennon thinking???
His greatest challenge to authority. He laughs from the grave. Another reason for me not to like Porcupine Tree...
"It burns...."
I'm impressed. I like her new style. Although it is more the music that i like than the singing, probably find it more acceptable because it is yoko.
Props, Bill, for playing this, controversial as it is. If all you ever played was stuff that made everyone feel good, we could listen to Clear Channel. Thanks for giving us something to think about.
Wow, have people rated this so low because of their personal feelings toward Yoko Ono, or because it's truly a bad song? Honestly, I think it's the former. This isn't a great song, but it's not completely horrible either.
Please stop playing this song (sic) or I'll be forced to change stations for good.
How many of these 1s are just Yokohating?
The CD is mis-labeled. This is not Porcupine Tree, it's just Steven Wilson according to this information posted on PT's website.
This is Maoist. Play awful music and then everything else sounds great
Please stop playing this garbage!
What in the WORLD was Lennon thinking???
Yes. She sounds so.
Sorry Yoko, you spelled witch incorrectly. It starts with a "b" sister! Bill, stop playing this junk. Lost all respect for Porcupine Tree thanks to this one. I don't want my listener support paying royalties for this level of, um, music(?)! If you are going to be shut down by the new fee structure, at least make it due to playing good quality stuff! I wish there was a rating less than one! This is certainly well below "Sucko-Barfo."
Embarassingly dreadful!!! As is her art!!! The CD cover says it all...pretentious, but at least she's honest with the title!
Shame, PT don't need dead wood hangers-on. This would make quite a nice instrumental. Dump the dead wood!
PacificNWPariah wrote:
"Jump" says Yoko Ono "I'm too scared and too good looking" I cried "Go on", she says "Why don't you give it a try? Why prolong the agony all men must die"
Funny, Jim Jones said something like that when he ordered his 900-odd followers in Jonestown to drink cherry-flavoured cyanide punch.
Pyro wrote:
Maybe it's the PT collaboration, but I find this almost palatable...unlike anything ELSE I've ever heard by Yoko.
ditto! i can't put a rating # on it, but i don't hate it as much as i should. love the album title! and the segue into bang & blame just put a huge smile on my face!
BobbyCat wrote:
A 9, for Porcupine Trees fine work
Yep, they're the only thing that saves it.
This song is horrible!
I love PT...and I've known girls like the Samantha she's singing of...loose the bagage people and give this one a fair shake.
Leslie wrote:
You know this is actually the first time I've ever heard Yoko's voice! I managed to go 46 years without hearing it The PT instrumentals are great of course.
28 years here. And yes the PT instrumentals are great.
hey Bill- thanks for continually introducing new music to the play list . . even if it 's too esoteric for some listeners
Maybe it's the PT collaboration, but I find this almost palatable...unlike anything ELSE I've ever heard by Yoko.
Save me from the agony!
Ugh. Crap.
Yep, I thought that was Yoko. Only on RP.....
"Jump" says Yoko Ono "I'm too scared and too good looking" I cried "Go on", she says "Why don't you give it a try? Why prolong the agony all men must die"
Rarely do I hit the mute button on Radio Paradise...but Yoko made me do it :(
yeah whatever yoko.
Umm... no. Just... no.
Hey squidish, seems everyone here is commenting on her music and lyrics, not her relationship with Lennon.
Not my cuppa. There's very little of her stuff that I can listen to without reaching for the mute button.
This was endurable; try "The Plastic Ono Band-Live Peace In Toronto" One side is predominantly John doing covers - the other side is a nightmare of Y.O. caterwaulin'!!!
"The Rolling Stone's Rock n' Roll Circus" recently showed on PBS; John and Yoko did the same music/screeching thing, again (I think) with Clapton and Harrison playing. No wonder the Stones refused to release the movie for almost 30 years.
Matts wrote:
I don't wanna have nightmares today, shut her off man
This was endurable; try "The Plastic Ono Band-Live Peace In Toronto" One side is predominantly John doing covers - the other side is a nightmare of Y.O. caterwaulin'!!! I've heard cats-in-heat fighting over a tom that were better sounding. John Ono Lennon: Vocals, Rhythm Guitar Yoko Ono: Vocals Eric Clapton: Lead Guitar Klaus Voormann: Bass Billy Preston: Piano Alan White/Ringo Starr: Drums Retrieved from: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Plastic_Ono_Band"
Yes, porcupine tree fixed her up pretty good here, it's not bad, not bad at all really. I've never been a major fan but I've not been a hater either...I guess I'd qualify for being indifferent?
A 9, for Porcupine Trees fine work
Is it just me or do the lyrics really tell us that she has strayed far from the John's philosophy? If she ever really had it to begin with...
Hearing her sing this brings back a lot of memories. Something died inside a lot of us that day.
biggeorge wrote:
Not sure how I feel about this one yet,
Yep, I made up my mind, I don't care for it
sirrus wrote:
So far, even the brilliance of Porcupine Tree cannot make Yoko Ono worth listening to...
Seconded. My love for Porcupine Tree isn't enough to overcome Yoko's bland voice, and drivel lyrics
I'm surprised, I'm actually enjoying this a decent amount. Enough that I'm curious to hear more from this group of covers.
In a way it reminds me of Cibo Matto
Good thing she has some help from Porcupine Tree. I think she falls flat otherwise.
Nice mash-up of musicians... I can't believe how much hate I am hearing from fellow RP'ers. Her relationship with John was none of your biz or concern. Why do people feel they own public figures?
I don't wanna have nightmares today, shut her off man
You know this is actually the first time I've ever heard Yoko's voice! I managed to go 46 years without hearing it The PT instrumentals are great of course.
This is intriguing. Paste Magazine gave the album 4 stars. I might have to look into the rest of.
It took the talent of Porcupine Tree to make her 'music' even listenable. She's never sounded so good. And that's not saying much.
So far, even the brilliance of Porcupine Tree cannot make Yoko Ono worth listening to...
Sorry, something about this woman gives me the creeps. Never mind that it is someone else covering her songs.
Not sure how I feel about this one yet,
First Yoko Ono song I've ever heard, after hearing so much about her. Her bad press reminds me of Hillary's. This sounds good though.
well, those are some interesting glasses!